Regleta de Conexión Enchufable
Connection capacity:
- Solid cable: 10 mm² / 4 mm²
- Flexible cable: 6 mm² / 4 mm²
Voltage: 450 V
Temperature: 110ºC
- Standard model: 12 poles.
- Models with a smoller number of poles can be made.
- In order to guarantee a correct connexion the use of a strip up to a maximun of 4 poles is recommended, since the contacts are not provided with a wide.
- Terminal strips can be printed on request.
- Wiring may be made before the assembly of the electical installation.
- Plug in terminal strips allow fast connection and disconnection.
- Captive screws.
- Raised screws, providing an easier insertion of the conductor.
Intensity: 16A
Tightening torque: 0,8 Nm
Metrics: M 3,5